Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Organic romaine, cucumbers, broccoli, avocado, pumpkin seeds, and a little flax oil for my omega needs.

It's Tuesday, and I feel better as far as the IC pain goes. I managed to get out yesterday and be there for my nephew's birth. Thank goodness! I felt better for that.

I'm starting to have the nausea from the die off. Detoxing is no fun and they told me to expect flu like symptoms. While my body tried to rid itself of the imbalance. I have to be so careful this week, as I have a wedding to shoot on Saturday. I have to be able to keep up with my schedule, but also take care of my body. It's such a crazy balancing act.

I will likely be up at the hospital later this afternoon. I want to see my nephew again, and maybe get a few more pictures. :-) He's so adorable.

Yesterday I had the above salad for late lunch/early dinner, for mid morning meal I ate left over cabbage and zucchini with coconut oil. That's all I could stomach those two meals.

This morning I can't even think about food I'm very nauseated and need to sleep a little longer, but my sister woke me up at 5AM texting me. Drugs and being up there I figure she hasn't' a clue about waking me up. ha ha I'm so happy she is doing OK and the baby is great.

This is her story: http://www.braden-kaleigh.blogspot.com/

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