Saturday, May 22, 2010

Antibiotics/Probiotics and Interstitial Cysitits

I have not taken antibiotics for nearly 20 years, I was in my late 20's when I realized they made me much sicker than they were worth. I have used natural antibiotic's for everything from strep throat, to UTI's. If you have used them, you may be suffering with many side effects as well......

IC challenge that just might help many of my readers as well. So many health troubles come from how we eat, so why not try this for the number of days. You never know you may find your path to wellness too! ;-)

IC Challenge

Green Smoothies

Green for Life

Raw Family

Green Smoothie Recipes, If you have IC be careful though some of these combinations have known fruits that can make you feel very bad when your bladder isn't well.... ie Strawberries and Banana's are my worst! 

I am just now learning about these things myself. Since I'm in flare I'm very apprehensive about trying any of these things 'yet'. Still I wanted to pass on this information for anyone who might want to consider some of these methods. Maybe I'll be out of flare in time to start the challenge!? :-)

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