Monday, April 26, 2010

Fighting through the busy followed by the lazy. ;-)

So Sunday, I was tired and trying to take it easy. I ended up skipping a morning even my lunch meals, I thought I was going to cook, but just ran short on time. After our bible meetings, we ended up eating out. I had the Vegan Fajita's. I wish our local place served black beans, even whole beans would be nice, because I'm always missing my protein when we eat there.

We ran into some friends while there, that happens often it's a small town. So an acquaintance came up and asked me about my blog, she had just heard about it from others she was eating out with. It was nice knowing that I have readers and that they find this journey interesting enough to mention. That REALLY helps keep me accountable! So thank you readers for that, your helping me out more than you know.

Last night I also went over to my good friend Amanda's house and made a small pot of Miso soup for her, gave her a tub of Miso, and a few Daikons, dried seaweed, and an organic onion so she could use her other ingredients and make some more soon. She had the entire pot for dinner. So I'm taking that as a definite compliment that it was good! ;-)

Today I again intended to make a 'real' breakfast, porridge, miso, steamed greens. Again I got caught up in everything else. Instead of skipping eating though I had Ezekiel toast with Earth Balance spread and Organic Apple butter that is only apples, along with a small glass of unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I rarely drink anything but water so it was a treat. I would have taken a photo of my simple meal, but I had eaten half by the time I thought to do so. ha

I'm still pretty wore out from my trip, and helping my sister and trying to keep my head above water at home. My house is falling apart, we've been behind on schooling too, not to mention all the editing that is calling to me every single day begging me to put it first. I use to stay up all night to get my editing accomplished, I've not seemed to be able to force my body to do that of late. I am literally finding myself falling asleep whenever I sit down for even a few minutes. I'm pretty danged whipped right now. I've had way too many pans in the fire, some days it feels like everything I have to do in it's self is a full time job, keeping my house up, teaching the kids, my photography, and learning how to manage being a Vegan. I think over all I'm doing a pretty good job, I am believing more energy will come as I hopefully loose some weight.

Today I snacked lightly on hummus and organic blue corn chips, also had a handful of pecans and a couple prunes. Prunes are a good source of iron and I'm pretty much thinking I'm not getting enough. I did a full battery of blood tests, and other tests before I started this so I would know where I was and were I go with the changes. I've felt some big improvements in my health, I feel much calmer (making it easier to pass out when I rest lol). My heart seems happier it has this crazy beat thing it does, (had that checked out years ago it's not a murmur something else with a big name, but it's electrical and not life threatening), anyhow now when it goes a little wonky it seems it's because it's happy instead of stress. I do not get out of breath and I'm not getting so easily over heated and sweaty anymore. BOTH of those last things are wonderful when I'm working! :-)

So between the busy getting slightly more under control for now and the back lash of being too busy where the lazy exhausted person wants to quit everything and crawl in bed. I've found a way to keep going. So onto today's food photo's.

Lunch, we had thin crispy pizza because we have left over Tofu cream and it doesn't keep long so we had to eat it. Yeah like I minded! ha this is one of my favorite treats.
I added fresh basil from my own small garden, and fresh parsley to my salad from my garden. So much flavor in such little greens.

Dinner was soup al a Bob's Red Mill Vegi soup mix, I added organic carrots, onion & celery, along with half water and half organic vegatable broth, a dash of  Edens Mirin, and some Shoyu, the last few simmering moments Barley Miso. I thought it was hearty and delicious, and I had it by it's self. I ate alone though because the boys/men had Red Baron Pepperoni pizza and my daughter is at her Vegan friends house for dinner.
Topped with fresh parsley and Gomashio.

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