Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 4 dinner al la tuna? Kind-a

Tonight's feast was so good, that all my family ate it exclusively! That was exciting, my husband at first ate, then thought he might follow up with a TV dinner (he bought them just in case). Until we popped out the surprise dessert my lovely Daughter so sweetly made in the later afternoon so the kitchen would be free for the dinner prep. I feel especially proud they all ate only Vegan tonight what a HUGE accomplishment (even if it's one meal), for being only 4 days in. ;-) OK to the photos!.......
Miranda helping me out towards the end of getting the dishes finished up.

This dish recipe is found on page 272.

Tasty Pressed Salad page 256. I used the Vinegar version, also though mixed up the veggies from the two options as well. This is also used on the Clean, Mean Burritos from yesterday. Although this is fresh as we ran out. 

This is our main course found on page 246. Tuna Salad (Kinda). It was really a bit like Tuna in the familiar flavors you use to create the dish. On the large slices of whole grain bread it was amazing. I just used one thin slice, but Hubby and older son made a big sandwich with it.

Our meal before it's been devoured. ha ha

Last but certainly not least are the Crispy Peanut Butter Treats found on page 184. Believe it or not this is even a Super Hero approved food. Now sweetening dessert with healthy natural sweeteners certainly hits the budget harder than a box of Little Debbies. Yet, think about it whether you want to spend that on healthful food, or doctor bills later? Oh and the recipe makes about 2/3rds more than you see here. This is after everyone had one, yet it made an entire second pan as well.

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