So this whole putting my boys in school thing has been more of an adventure than planned. As everything in life usually is. I would say it's going VERY well at this point. It's a relief that both of them are adjusting in a very positive way to this brand new experience for them.
I have been running on empty. The big thing going on with me lately is how stress affects my spine. I had a near death horse back riding accident when I was 17. Yes, a very long time ago. I'm grateful to be alive no doubt, how I managed to survive, not be paralyzed???? Is a miracle. That being said my head has sat on my neck for a quarter of a century by a thread. I've had plenty of chiro care, but no one has ever had the knowledge to address the muscle damage until now.
I'm finally after all these years on the road to a recovery that will be life changing. Literally she found my problems right away and understands them so well. She having had a major head injury herself. I've always felt my head was barely on, and yesterday it was confirmed I have one muscle on the left side doing all the work, all of it. I won't go into all the problems, pain, etc I've gone through for more than half my life.
At any rate, this is what happens, stress, neck goes crazy, Paula can't function. This time with all the changes of putting the boys in school it's nearly wiped me out. So desperation, leads to finding real answers. If your ever even visiting here, I highly recommend going to BeWell . It's not that there are not wonderful chiro's out there. I've even worked for some. It's a whole understanding I have found here, and we rarely even take our children to a pediatrician anymore because she has helped them with everything from depression to allergy's.
I had stopped letting anyone work on me, because the relief from an adjustment often was so temporary due to the muscle damage. I've watched her treat my whole family for over a year, I think she and I both have anticipated the day I finally let her work on me. lol
Vegan??? what does this all mean to how I'm eating. When my neck is like this I can't function, to an extreme I'm willing myself to handle everything. I usually can't eat, and live on a coke maybe two a day to get through. That's where I have been. So with 2 treatments down, many more to go. I've finally had the courage to give up the coke cola, and work on veganizing my diet again. I'm in withdrawal. It's awful but I'm already in mega pain, so what's a caffeine headache to boot? ha ugh
As soon as I'm back actually cooking more than a basic pot of soup, or rice and beans. I'll be blogging again with photo's and food based posts. For now, I'm doing my best, mostly vegan. Gotta let go of my old addictions again, sugar and coke will be plaguing me with cravings. I've let them go before I can do it again.
I do not give up, may fall way off track at times. Giving up is not an option. I do apologize for saying I'd blog daily and not doing so. I think I'll leave those type of promises out from now on. ;-)
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