So pictures, a bowl of fresh organic cabbage, lightly stir fried in coconut oil.

Zucchini and yellow squash with broccoli all organic and lightly steamed. This bowl I cheated and had Umboshi Vinegar, along with no cheat Flax oil. (the vinegar isn't great for my IC, but tastes oh so good and I really needed something to have flavor!).
There you go things I was eating and trying to tell myself it was enough and I'd get through. It wasn't and I didn't. There was no real way to meet my protein requirements, and fight the Candida and stay Vegan. I really gave it my ALL, and then some. I found myself in town driving my daughter to her class and back to the hospital to visit my new nephew, and just not having enough brain function to be a safe driver even. So I stopped at a place they serve non fast food chicken tenders. (well not in that gross traditional over breaded crap you get at a drive thru, no drive thru here). I got 3 tenders (couldn't even eat 3 turned out my stomach has shrunk), pealed off the very light breading and felt so much better physically and really down about having to blog about it. So I've been procrastinating.
I resorted to chicken three times this weekend. Even though I did, I was so very depleted that I faltered physically at the wedding I was working. I nearly passed out twice, and twice I could not get back up after getting on my knee to get a shot. I had tried to eat a little chicken, but with my time constraints had gotten McD's, they were just too gross and I couldn't get them down. I had my bowl of almonds with me and my amazing water. I'd just been hungry and taking all these supplements, detoxing the Candida too many days. I was spent and didn't have what I needed to get through my work day.
I ended up having to drink some of the sweet tea offered with the wedding meal at the reception. I really thought I would have a serious back lash from this, one the tea is very bad for my IC and two the sugar undoes everything I had been fighting for to kill the Candida. (seems though I've been OK and I didn't suffer too badly)
It did what I needed it to do, I had a baked chicken breast, green beans, two bites of corn bread and that glass of sweet tea. I guess the chicken kept me from having a sugar crash on the drive home? I'm not sure, but I did regain my strength enough to not pass out (although my muscles still rebelled about getting back up off the ground once, embarrassing! ugh)
Wedding teaser image:
Sunday I took it easy, we had a late breakfast as a family, I had 2 scrambled eggs with a side of avocado. We were going to eat out as a family after our bible service, but Hubby ended up not feeling good. So the kids voted for a Greek place we've not been to in ages. We loved it, but when my IC flared for 6 months last year I couldn't eat there anymore. We got out of the habit. I didn't think I could eat there anyway as a Vegan. Boy! was I wrong about that. We went and turns out they have this wonderful veggie dinner plate, I skipped the rice and order it with Tabbouleh salad, so all veggies (and there was very little Bulgar wheat in the salad almost entirely fresh parsley.. IC friendly soothing food yes!).
I ate the entire plate and it was no small platter of veggies. lol I was so hungry for veggies. ha Not all of them were Candida starving, but at this point I've been so starving, I'm wondering how healthy it is to starve yourself for two weeks? How can I fight and detox while being so depleted I can barely function? OK so yep that was me justifying cooked carrots they taste so good, but do go to sugars too fast.
At any rate, between eggs, and large amounts of veggies for two days in a row now. I'm starting to feel my self! I also took a 40 min walk yesterday and today with my daughter and our dogs. I endured the muggy heat, and the hills so much better than I've been able to do in any recent memory.
I have actually lost weight at this point. Weight I can see, feel and few others have noticed as well.
I know I've slipped up with the foods that the Candida can feed on this weekend with a few of my choices. I know that I've slipped up bad on the Vegan commitment. I am reminding myself that the entire reason for this journey was to restore my health. So if what I'm trying to do is making me sicker/weaker than I have to face that I must make adjustments.
To keep the foods that turn to sugar out of my diet, I have to add in meat proteins. It's a bit burdensome emotionally though, I mean I feel loyal to my Vegan life I had created. I want to go back to it. I'm not sure when I can do it and not feed the Candida too much from grains and beans? I've read that it can take up to 3 years to beat Candida if you do everything and have realistic understanding of the imbalance.
So bare with me if you like, this is still a work in progress. The one new major thing on my side is my water. If you want to know brand and such you'll have to comment me .... This machine takes my tap water and transforms it. Everyone in my house gets to drink it and they all say it makes them feel better, and they are all drinking lots more water! You know kids this is a mega accomplishment. This from a family that bought 6-9 cases of water at Sam's Club each month. (because of the IC even the filters we had bought didn't get enough of the chlorine out of our tap for my IC)
Anyhow, it gives me a PH of 9.5 the highest PH for drinking water, it adds in extra oxygen, minerals, ionizes the water too! Rids it of all the chemicals and makes it a pure bio-available water by making the molecules even smaller. How I know it's working? One my skin is hydrated and I'm not full of edema. Two it is making me sweat it out, when I walk man I am really sweating out toxins big time! Three, when I drink it I don't have to pee 10 mins later, not 30 mins later, not an hour later, not even 3 hours later. I can drink several glasses and it's not running straight through me like bottled water did, (btw my bottled water had a PH of 6 which is considered acidic, hmm wonder why I didn't really get better? uh? irrrr). So then when I do go I really go, and it's also apparent that the toxins are being eliminated. Sorry very TMI here, but it's a huge factor in our health! When your unhealthy and the one thing you body really needs, clean, healthy, usable water, is finally being taken in! All I can say is Ahhhhh! I'm so happy! The PH factor also allows me a little more freedom in what I can eat and not aggravate my IC! As PH is everything when your in flare if you don't want those painful blisters burning.
Hence I was able to have Umboshi Vinegar, I was able to drink acidic tea and not die after-wards, not only that my bladder is being so soothed by this PH level, and I've been walking w/o side effects the past two days.
Now don't get me wrong this is no miracle, this is in junction with so many changes in my life as you know. I know it's ALL working hand in hand. Yet, as an IC patient this water is a chance at life again. A life that just may be almost normal one day. I'm just a tiny bit thrilled it's already helping me so much. :-)
At any rate, I'm still eating my veggies! I'm drinking my water. I'm taking my supplements (which btw the one ones for my girl hormones if I don't take them I can tell right away my patient stops nearly cold I have to take them and give them an hour and suddenly I have the patience of Job. LOL
I imagine this may be my longest post yet. I may have temporarily added in the occasional egg or piece of chicken for now. Do not count me out as a Kind Diet Vegan convert. I am hoping to ease back into some of these carb based grains and beans and phase out my need for other protein sources and see if the Candida stays in balance. ;-)
At any rate, I'm basically doing very well. I have more energy, more stable all day energy, and my sleeping wow! It's such hard rest, oh which reminds me he (my doc) has me taking a Zinc before I go to sleep, he said it helps the body regulate sugar, but I tell you what it's like a sleeping pill for me. When I don't have it I can tell, when I do I sleep like a rock! So maybe if your having sleep issues you just might want to try a Zinc instead of some drug. ;-)
(remember I am NOT a doctor of any sort here, so do your own research and check with your doctor first! before copying anything I've been doing for my health).
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